About the Halls of Ouroborus
The Halls of Ouroborus is a place of personal learning and awakening. Ouroborus is also a word for the symbol of a circle where a dragon meets its own tail. It is a ancient symbol for unity and wholeness. In this light then, these are the Halls of Unity. They house a collection of courses that offer different ways of becoming whole within ourselves and within the greater cosmos. We are all part of the One Spirit of Love. Over time we are meant to expand in more awareness and love, and unify our many aspects into a healthy, compassionate and vibrant expression of our deepest most sacred being. We've designed the courses to address some of the key areas for personal growth and awareness building. We've just started to get all of the courses formatted so bit by bit, more will be added by several teachers. The courses often will intertwine although some are stand alone. You can explore at your own pace and continue to build your skills according to your own path. May your journey be magical and your heart full.
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Dive right in to available course
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A three month program to help you get rid of overwhelm, reclaim physical and emotional balance, and consciously align to your true self through the WholeSELF Method.
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Discover the incredible power of nutrition, lifestyle changes, and holistic practices embarking on a journey towards inner peace and well-being.
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A Spirit Guide Journey
Learn to journey as a spiritual path of healing and growth. This course is a doorway opening to a whole other world of support for you. We're so excited to be able to assist you in connecting with your light families and learning discernment and new skills.
Awakening the Tapestry
The path of healing, personal transformation and growth for each person is unique. What if you had someone who could see you in far more detail than even you see yourself ? What if this being could see how all of your experiences in this life and your larger spirit journey are woven into your current body, emotions and experiences now? If there was such a being, they would be able to help you in a way that was crafted just for you.
This being exists. In fact, many exist for each person and they have been with you for a very long time waiting to help you
along your path. Even before this moment, they have loved you.
This book is a collection of ways I have learned to work with spirit guides on the most important aspects of healing. It covers how to meet them, learn discernment, set up your energetic sacred space, and work with guides in journeys. It also covers important aspects of consciousness and beliefs that affect your life's tapestry. I've woven in information from Traditional Chinese Medicine where I felt it was useful, and simple energy work techniques that are effective.
This is also a book to help you develop a context of how the aspects of healing all fit together and why they fit together the way they do. It will empower you to become more aware of your journey, more whole, healthy, and ultimately, more joyous and fulfilled.
I have poured out what I know to help you feel connected to your 'light family' and to the Great Source Love which is the core of all creation. In this way, may it truly help you to heal
your heart and change your life in magical and wonderful ways.
-Kim- Book Available on Amazon November 30, 2023
-Kim- Book Available on Amazon November 30, 2023
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